Fundoo Times
'Silly, Silly' is a stupid game for April Fool that will be loved by all fools in a fun-filled April Fools Party on an April Fools Day.

Silly, Silly!

This game is the most appropriate one for the occasion of April Fools Day and will help you to fish out the most stupid person out of all the fools (guests) is the party. It is a passive game and is suitable both for adults and kids.

Items Needed:
  • A crown for the 'Silliest' person,
  • Paper, and
  • Pencils.
How To Prepare:
  • Draft a list of silly things that people often do in their daily lives. Questions may vary according to the age groups or group type.
  • Make the group in a circle.
  • Pass on a sheet of paper and a pencil to everybody.
How To Play:
  • One person conducts the game and keeps the score for everybody, if there is a large group.
  • The person reads out the questions one by one.
  • Person/s who have done the thing mentioned in the question stands up and says "Yes, I have done this!" and holds out one finger for every 'Yes' that they say. Others call them 'Silly, silly!' loudly to them and make faces at them.
  • If all the fingers and both the thumbs are standing out, then they start closing them one by one. The person who conducts the game also keeps the scores.
  • The person who has done the most things that have been called out is crowned the 'Most stupid person' and is called 'Silly, silly!' as he/she does a fool's dance. He/She is also the winner of the game.
Here are some questions that might be asked in the game:
  • Who has been fool enough to call their family member or good friend by another name?
  • Who has been fool enough to dial a phone number and forgot who he or she called?
  • Who has been fool enough to forget to turn off gas at night?
  • Who has been fool enough to forget your wallet or purse at home while going for shopping?
  • Who has been fool enough to get tripped by his or her own clothes?
  • Who has been fool enough to leave lights and fans in the home while going on a vacation?
  • Who has been fool enough to leave their zip open in public?
  • Who has been fool enough to let the clothes change their color or get stained while washing them?
  • Who has been fool enough to lock themselves out of the house?
  • Who has been fool enough to look for his or her glasses everywhere while wearing them?
  • Who has been fool enough to lose a family member while shopping?
  • Who has been fool enough to put the milk to boil and forgot about it?
  • Who has been fool enough to remember an appointment or after it was too late or someone’s birthday after it had passed?
  • Who has been fool enough to rush to open the door while bathing but forgot to cover himself or herself properly first?
  • Who has been fool enough to wander away from their group in a crowd?
  • Who has been fool enough to wear clothes that are turned inside out while going for a walk?]
  • Who has been fool enough to wear different colored socks while going out?